Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Greatest Feeling in the World

The greatest feeling in the world?  Well, let me tell you.  I sat down this morning after procrastinating most of a month on another essay.  I had a deadline for submission to ____.  After thinking long and hard on it, I finally put my thoughts down on paper.  I finished writing, went to look up the submission  address, re-check the format requirements, etc.   Imagine my total surprise when I noticed that I had written on the wrong topic.  Ha ha ha.  

The greatest feeling in the world, right then, was having had written that piece at all.  And then,  learning it was the wrong one!  And laughing about it.

So here you are, without further ado, the top ten of Kathy’s Greatest Feelings in the world:

#10     Falling in love for the first time.
#9       Birthing my first son.
#8       Being with my favorite Uncle when he died.
#7       Finding ancestors and relatives here in the USA, and in a far-away country.
#6       Delivering three more beautiful sons.
#5       Birthing my gorgeous first daughter.
#4       Loving and being loved by fabulous family & friends.
#3       Traveling the world, friending fabulous people far and wide.
#2       Falling madly, totally, Head Over Heels in Love AGain, At My Age, when it was completely unexpected.
the #1 - Greatest Feeling in the World:           Doing it My Way.

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